Zihan Li
以第一/通讯作者在SCI,SSCI,AHCI一区相关学术期刊发表了多篇学术论文,并在包括第二届拉丁美洲碳十四测年大会、康奈尔大学第四届科技考古学前沿论坛等重要学术会议上发表了多篇会议论文。担任Archaeometry, Microscopy and Microanalysis,Atomic Spectroscopy等期刊审稿人。
目前正在从事的研究项目包括特定氨基酸提取测年法(与ORAU合作)、陶器残留物脂类化合物分析(Leverhulme Trust基金会赞助)、陶瓷遗存地球化学分析、操作链理论(Chaîne opératoire)研究以及物质介入论(Material Engagement Theory)研究。
Zihan Li serves as an Assistant Professor at the Suzhou Campus of Nanjing University. He completed his MSc and PhD (DPhil) in Archaeology at the University of Oxford and has worked as a Technical Assistant at the Oxford Radiocarbon Accelerator Unit.
His research primarily focuses on the application of scientific methods to archaeology, specifically the chemical analysis of ceramic remains and the extraction and analysis of residues on pottery for chronological studies. Li is dedicated to fostering interdisciplinary research that merges archaeological theories and methodologies with scientific analyses to enhance the current understanding of ancient human societies' production organization, social dynamics, and group behaviours.
He has published seven papers as the lead or corresponding author in leading journals indexed in SCI, SSCI, and AHCI, and has presented his research at significant conferences, including the 2nd Latin American Radiocarbon Conference and the 4th Symposium on the Frontiers of Archaeological Science at Cornell University. Additionally, Li contributes as a peer reviewer for prestigious journals such as Archaeometry, Microscopy and Microanalysis, and Atomic Spectroscopy.
His current research endeavours include developing radiocarbon dating techniques using specific amino acids, analysing lipid compounds in pottery residues, conducting geochemical analyses of ceramic remains, exploring the theory of the chaîne opératoire, and investigating Material Engagement Theory.
Li Zihan invites students who are passionate about the interdisciplinary study of archaeology and archaeological science to consider pursuing graduate studies under his supervision.